Tuesday, October 5, 2010


10pm. Coimbatore bed. Dinner on its way.
Logging online to pay bills as the last date is here
The day was a blur of conversations, meetings and more digging into the recesses of peoples minds.
conjuring questions one after another that maybe strike the right cord and get you the answers that you are looking for

Ended with a session where i stared helplessly at the earnest faces of 15 tamilian men, with ash smeared foreheads, who had chosen to buy this car out of a sense of pride for the nation.. how incredible is that? Imagine some fluent english speakers, some tamilians, taxi drivers, finance people all crammed together and that was enough for me to howl into the moon

want a day where i dont have to think cars, stop whining little one! shall do so
So anyway as airport reviews go. Coimbatore is decent, u can walk from the airplane to the terminal. The luggage comes fast and there are no touts harressing you. infact it is better than chennai and kolkatta airports. The city to seems to be less closed in than Chennai is, maybe it is the hill air

Met a person who was the MD of a company that does all the R and D for tata cars. Big guy, rich and all but there was nothing in his attitude that would make one believe of his stautre. not merely financial but more the sense of knowledge and status that got him. Same with the international rally car people that i met who had won championships and were as humble as can be

lessons that we north indians can learn
am tired, this is it for me for today
nothing more is gng to be legible

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