Tuesday, November 16, 2010

excitement died

This is the third attempt to post today, and as half hearted as not. Don’t have one core theme to post about but a number of small little things that dot the landscape called yesterday.

The new india

Generation Z, if that is what is called is the one that is in the early 20’s to the mid 20’s. Born in the mid 80’s they seem to have a far higher level of clarity on what they intend to do with their life. Take the case of AB, at 22 he has done a corporate job, 2 years of a teach for india assignment, started a ngo, and won the economic times –power of awards panel not to mention becoming a part time writer and a book author.

Or M, 23 years old, graduation done, masters done along with jobs held, ideal job found and now desperately ensuring that the idealism is not in any way hampered by doing something for the heck of it. The ability to do more squeeze more is the craft that they have honed to perfection.

Growing yourself

11pm me and S were speaking on the phone about the responsibility to keep ourselves alive and growing even as we balance the demands of a relationship, job, living by yourself. We realized that somehow at 30 the novelty factor associated with a lot of things we did earlier were gone..we enjoyed the occasional play, the movie, but it was not truly exciting.

The butterfly feeling we got as kids when we did new things, or waited for weeks before the Birthday came has somehow gone. Flew out of the window and has not been replaced by anything new.

The entertainment attractions of the adult us are not TINGLING – the experience junkies, aint getting a new high!

What then is a solution?

Just yesterday, as I helped a pal write an article on people who were party animals and are now into the reformed alternative lives I realized that I knew a lot of such people. But they sort look a little lost without the crutch of fun to hold on to..

What I my excitement about?

If I was to be honest? It has to be creating new, creating afresh and being artistic etc etc

Or else end up living life on a roller coaster, constant excitement guaranteed ;-)

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