Monday, May 3, 2010

Centering -

Kristen Dunst, sat in the front seat  and Miss Penelope Cruz on the back seat as Blondie navigated yet one more deep crater of a pot hole to reach the elusive Vivekananda Prashanti Center, had forgotten to carry my camera and so there are no images to load here of that place. The link is here

The plan was simple. Miss Dunst wanted to quit her job and change her employment visa for a student visa. Wanted to know a yogic course she needed to study to get the student tag, and so we went to see what the vivekanda had to offer as courses. We were joined by Miss Mexiacana, a travelling soul not searching but experiencing, who had the depth of yogic knowledge that I knew at a point of time.

Conversations were about kriyas, bandhas, mudras, the power of the kundalini, centering and awareness. Changing life styles, men and their expectations, drinking water stored in a erstwhile rum bottle, the inner space, the kriya courses and the rest of it. As we spoke i wanted to shrink into the tiniest fly i could condense into and fly off.

There was so much that I as an Indian intutively knew and had studied about this and so little that i practiced. The smoking, drinking, fizzy drink creature who was not doing her kriya but being swept like a kite with the flow of events is what i was at that point of time.

The greenery, the drive the conversation all of did me much good.  It cleansed me. From within.
May has begun on a good note, the yoga mat is out and the inner self is clamouring for attention
Getting the dusters out.
To nadi cleaning... it is possible

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