Friday, July 30, 2010

Roller Coaster is on

I sleep in a tizzy and wake up in one. I like.

There is so much to do and so little time.. hehee for once i like being able to say that statement with complete authority, after the stillness of last month the motion of this seems to be a boon that I have to be grateful for.

The last 48 hours have been magic. Wednesday was a rainy squelchy day seeing me happily sitting in the house, working, imagining and creating something that comes to life today. The evening was spent getting in a friends birthday and meeting someone new.

What is it I wonder that makes me gravitate only to those who are complex. Introducing SAM. Who he. one of the urban artists working to sort out life and content to watch the world go by. 30 something, little man, a market reseacher, writer, with a terrace one room and a contentment that is enviable. Ever met the kind of ppl for whom the area and place they live in seems not to matter?

a one bedroom place... littered with books, some movie posters .... a few dark gothic images and the magic of stories that move from earnest to completely insane. For me its maybe a reflection of someone who is a backpacker.. moving on and experiencing without growing too many roots.

Anyway. The party was good fun, more so it was a spur of the moment thing and this guy was surrounded by friends to get in his birthday because he was not feeling well. The night carried on and madness and pictures were taken..

Blondie was being a bitch. For some reason become more pretentiously pseuodo than i am, at these places.. dont know why... i am usually a lot more relaxed and pulling everyones leg and being silly but in the gathering of this group tend to be quieter and more reclusive. Point noted.

Dragging a very happy man to the car took and hour and as soon as i sped off only to be stunned by not 1, or 2 or 3 but a littler of TWELVE PUPPIES!@!@!!##%% ... Each fat and round and edible. Drunk M came too and before I could fathom what was happening.. Little Paul has come home.......... been taken to the vet, been fed special baby food, got a bed, a pampering set of 10 adults and is off for a weekend trip to COORG!

Talk about a change in fortune within  minutes.

The dreaded tax filing day is here.. where for sure like the MBTI "P" persona .,. i have to wake up at the last minute and know that i am dead... alas somethings are always constant.

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