I am officially an office goes person now. Am writing this at 9 am in the morning sitting in front of my shut office, waiting for the super boss to appear to commence the work day; which means that I have slept at an early hour, gotten up at 7 am had breakfast, the geyser worked, the maid came and was out of the house at 8.35 am.
If you are sitting in London or a USA reading it, you are going to read the post and say.. what how in the world is this anything to gloat about?? Given that everyone there is ready no matter what weather dictates at 6.30 am and is commencing the work day!
It’s a super idea to start the day early, get your morning attention to work wonders and then have the evening to do whatever you choose to do. The precious evenings are timings that shall not be played with.
Last night was superbly slow, loved lounging around the bed being home and getting back in the groove with a whole lot of people and what they have been upto. Liked the slowness of the day; Yet again today I find myself in a new start up.. waiting for the internet guy, the electrician, the kettle. Think I should make a photo album of the number of kettles I have seen, the visitng cards and email addresses that have been a part of my life over the years.
As I sipped coffee this morning, and read extracts of Wayne Dyer, some sayings came popping out. Things about thoughts being the only thing that are crucial; how you can never be lonely if you know how to spend time with yourself and etc.
The time to work with colleagues has come, liking the engagement and the little conversations, the new table and the new lights all these little things are nice..to a new journey may it commence now!
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